
Carringtons has extensive knowledge and expertise of the factors that contribute to Legionella risk, and the ability to provide a wide range of Legionella control services across the UK. Choose us for your Legionella risk assessment, and we’ll help you ensure your water supply is clean, safe and compliant with HSE’s approved code of practice on Legionella prevention, L8.

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal condition contracted by inhaling small droplets of water containing the Legionella bacteria. Certain environmental conditions increase the risk of Legionella growth including water tanks, cooling towers, and water temperatures between 20° and 45° C.

Under UK Health and Safety Law, including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, every business or person in control of premises is required to carry out a regular Legionella risk assessment to identify possible sources of Legionella in their building and take action to control the risk if necessary.

The water systems in your workplace need to go through a Legionella risk assessment at least every two years. Our service looks at both the physical water systems and their management to ensure compliance with The Approved Code of Practice.